Discover the Heart of Eisenfelt's Innovation

With extensive experience and deep industry knowledge, we have the confidence to propel businesses to success.

“To develop marketing and sales organizations pragmaticly, so growth will be realised and the order intake is predictable.”

Ted de Jong

Founder John D. Eisenfelt

“The performance of a team will be determined by the weakest link. Managing the weakest link proactively will lead to a unique performance”

Menno Oskam

Founder John D. Eisenfelt

Who’s John D. Eisenfelt?

John D. Eisenfelt was an intelligent boy. In primary school, no one really got a grip on him. His strength was that he could quickly put himself in the shoes of fellow human begins and therefore he could empower them. He had a different perspective on things, which enabled him to solve problems in a creative and innovative way.

Twenty years later, John D and Sandy were waving goodbye to there three children as they left for high school in the morning. ‘The Principles’ by John D Eisenfelt had by then become a household name in the United States. They were applied to all sorts of areas of science. They often formed the basis for an entirely new perspective; a new way of looking at all kinds of more or less entrenched issues.

His Main achievement, John D Eisenfelt himself stated, was not inventing principles. ‘It’s about what it does, not what it is,’ he once said during a speech at a prestigious university. The principles had only one purpose: to raise questions. Hence he always ended his speeches with: “Whenever you have a problem, try to find the questions, not the answer.”

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